A vision is a vivid mental image of what you want your business to be at some point in the future, based on your goals and aspirations. Having a vision will give your business a clear focus, and can stop you heading in the wrong direction.
The best way to formalise and communicate the vision you have for your business is to write a vision statement.
A vision statement captures, in writing, the essence of where you want to take your business, and can inspire you and your staff to reach your goals.


A mission statement is a formal summary of values of an organization. We call it the DOING piece — it describes how you act as a servant leader. It proclaims who you serve, what you serve and how you do it every day.
A well-crafted mission statement answers what you do, who benefits from this and how you do it. Depending on the particular organizational structure, the mission statement of a company can be broken down into its different divisions. All in all, the purpose is to help you stay focused on the activities of today that further your dreams of tomorrow.
“Mission statements that express the purpose of the enterprise in financial terms fail inevitably to create the cohesion, the dedication, the vision of the people who have to do the work so as to realize the enterprise’s goal.”